Chicago, I'm coming for you!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Watch out Chicago, I'm coming for you! Jack and I just booked our tickets to fly across the country to visit some friends in CHIIIICCAAAGOOOOO! I haven't been since I was a little girl, and the only thing I remember is going to the American Girl store and wanting everything. I'm excited to see what else the city has to offer (but would not be opposed to going to the American Girl store for old time sakes...) and can't wait to see my loves that live there!

2 happy notes:

  1. HAVE FUN! Chicago is seriously such a great time! Eat your heart out for me...their food is amazing.

    you had to be there

  2. ahhh... i am going there in October!!! Cannot wait to eat everythinggg

    New follower here!



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